Saturday 13 September 2014

Where does one find happiness?

       If you think about it or question yourself, you may find desires as answers. This may seem vague or rather confusing but the answer lies in the desires and cravings we have in our life. The true meaning of happiness is never understood.

        We believe that we will be  happy if we have our desires fulfilled and then feel bad when they are not. Why have the desires in the first place? Why don't we start assuming that we are happy just the way we are? Is fulfilling desires the only way to be happy? 

Why do we come up with these questions? Is it so because we do not utilize the time in thinking something that could bring about change in our lives rather than improvising on the desires we have. Some questions are never answered because we tend to run behind the answers. But have you ever thought, who asked these questions in the first place?